
Below is a list of Spiritual Teachers and Lightworkers that I’ve followed.  Not every channels or messages are accurate, therefore, it’s best to view with an open mind and discernment.  I often take things in and compare the info. when ever I can.


Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe

Lightworkers are souls who carry the strong inner desire to spread Light – knowledge, freedom and self-love – on earth. They sense this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and to therapeutic work of some kind.

Lightworkers carry within them the ability to attain spiritual awakening faster than other people. They carry inner seeds for a rapid spiritual awakening. With regard to this, they seem to be on a faster track than most people, if they choose it. This again is not because lightworkers are in any way “better” or “higher” souls. They are, however, older than most souls presently incarnate on earth. This older age should preferably be understood in terms of experience rather than time.

[Once upon a time] Lightworkers stood on the eve of humanity’s birth on earth. They took part in the creation of man. They were co-creators of humanity. In the process of creation, they made choices and acted in ways which they came to regret deeply afterwards. They are here now to make up for their decisions back then.


Steve Rother
A spiritual speaker and channeler for the Group. He and Barbara, his wife, have been hosting and sharing many materials on spiritual topics, for the longest time, for

Elizabeth C. Prophet
“For more than 50 years, The Summit Lighthouse has been publishing the Teachings of the Ascended Masters—the mystics and sages of East and West who graduated from earth’s schoolroom and attained union with God. The Summit Lighthouse is a non-profit organization dedicated to making these teachings available to all those looking for answers to life’s difficult questions.” -Summit Light House

Alaje – A highly evolve, spiritual teacher – who says he’s from the Pleiades Star System; who incarnated on Earth to help us at this time. ” Love is the solution for everything.”

Drunvalo Melchizedek – Another highly evolve spiritual speaker who is here at this time.

Project Camelot
/Project Avalon – A non-profit organization that interviews many professional from gov., ufo, and many other interesting topics and fields.

Bashar – An ET or Future Self that is channeled by Daryl Anka. He offers many perspective regarding our realities and our potentials.

James Gilliland – Once had a near-death-experience, which had change his life completely and had consciously walked the spiritual path ever since.

Sheldan Nidle – Is a spiritual speaker who has been care for and taken by the Sirius since he was 5.

George Kavassilas
Our Journey & The Grand Deception

Kiesha – Little Grandmother

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